Saturday, April 5, 2008

Daily Devotion to Understanding

I read the rest of Timothy today. A fitting before venturing into The Revelation. I pondered the moments of Peter's last days and am reminded of Rick Warren's father's words on his departure. "One more for Jesus" Even in the moments of departure from this world, will we long for more of the hardship, when we have asked so many times for "THIS day to be over" I guess it depends if we have surrendered to God's great will for us and have lived the joyful abundant life he promised in that act of obedience. I know in my small time with Him, I have asked Him to have me live to be 100. I long for the days of time to tell others. For once I am gone, my personal testimony is as well. We must trust that we have done the work Christ has commissioned us to for the next generation, otherwise there is much for many to suffer.

He Speaks to Me.. Bible Study

He Speaks to Me is a 6 week Bible study that involves women to position themselves spiritually to Hear the voice of God. In just the 2nd session, I have discovered barriers that have kept me from entering into the pure relationship with God to know His divine will for my life. We all have barriers. What are yours?
