Sunday, April 20, 2008

Small Group April 19th Communication Marriage

The RUN Down........It was an "engaging" session 2. Making your relationship a priority. This is from Homebuilders Couple Series Improving Communication in Your Marriage By Dr. Gary & Barbara Rosberg, from FamilyLife.

Prior to the session, the focus is to participate in a Homebuilders project with your mate. This was casually referred to as the date. There was time late one night to engage this project. We knew given the totality of our marriage, taking time to understanding barriers to communication was what Christ was longing for in us.

With each attempt to discuss one's feelings there is always the true barrier of all man's practical and genuine need to be accepted. If by years of decay and self induced endulgement one decides to listen does it finally come from the good-will heart. Can we remove the stones of the gritted sand onto the oysters home that has embedded itself to consume the very heart that has done all it can to devour it. Are we actually capable of overcoming barrier not just identifying them. Oh yes I understand them, I have lived with them for years, screaming my way through them to get anyone to hear me. All the while feeling lost and lonely after the battle. I can only speak on behalf of my own barriers and wait patiently on the non treading waters of the soul I desperately long to connect to prior to the years passing by and departing this world without the friend. Screaming has stopped and I have found refuge in the arms of the Saviour. He and I are in bow of the ship...together. He waits with me while the Father does the work, hearing my prayers.

We have all but loss the truest form of communication, love. Hope lives. It is only found now in the midst and few have been relentless in the search not settling for any thing less. If they did this world would consume them and all would be loss and the Glory of God would be also.

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