Saturday, April 19, 2008

He Speak to Me.... Bible Study

Week 2 A Single Minded Worship... I have come to a place of desiring more understanding than knowledge. I feel this has risen out of my devotion to recover from painful years, which finally was greater than my fear leading me into the arms of Jesus, for salvation. For this world truly had nothing for me. It had all consumed me and left me empty. I was caught up in the race of acceptance and the daily struggle was unbearable. My salvation and spiritual growth is reaching for greater understanding of God's great mercy and grace. I am humbled by salvation's great cost and long for my heart to be obedient to my heavenly Father

I must consider myself set aside to give God glory. There is a preparation of stillness, repentance of the grateful and thankful heart, and an undistracted mind. The word of God prepares me for places to be still. Green pastures. It teaches me how to be still. Be still and know that I am God. Release my worry, anxieties and fears. I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. The cross is my place to lay down my acts and thoughts that are against my fellow man and myself. Let us not forget ourselves. In the end, we are there with Him. Alone. Have we, have I layed it all down and raised it all up for His glory.

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